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Support for Peace in Syria

  • Syrian children in a refugee camp in Turkey on the Syrian-Turkish border.

    СÖíÊÓƵ Center supports research and dialogue to prevent further violence in Syria with the aim of supporting reform, economic recovery, reconstruction, and the return of refugees. Above, Syrian children in a refugee camp in Turkey on the Syrian-Turkish border. (Photo: Thomas Koch/Shutterstock.com)

Activity Reports | Conflict Mapping | Publications | Op-eds/Articles

Since conflict erupted in March 2011, 11.7 million Syrians have been displaced, either within Syria or in neighboring countries and beyond. More than half a million have been killed, a third of the country’s housing stock has been damaged, economic development has been set back some 40 years, and millions of children have been deprived of schooling. Unemployment in Syria is rampant, and some 80% of the population lives on less than US$3.10 a day, leaving millions of youth who came of age during the war susceptible to recruitment by violent extremist organizations.

The war in Syria has largely come to an end, except in Idlib and other territorial pockets not under control of the Syrian government. Through successive military advances and surrender agreements over the course of 2018, the Syrian government and its allies have all but eliminated the potential for regime change by force and have reasserted government authority over most of its territory.

The transformed conflict requires peacebuilding efforts that acknowledge the reality of the Syrian government’s standing while leveraging possible incremental change and eventual full-scale recovery for the whole of Syria, inclusive of all Syrian territory and citizens.

About the Project

Having been engaged in Syria since before 2011, СÖíÊÓƵ Center has long-term relationships with all stakeholders and is uniquely capable of building trust among Syrians and between Syrians and the international community. СÖíÊÓƵ Center's work in Syria is designed to bring stakeholders together to develop visions for a political resolution to the conflict and to channel their ideas to top-level mediation processes. The Center also monitors, documents, and analyzes levels of violence throughout the country. The Center’s advantages and long-standing promotion of realistic policy goals in Syria make it particularly well-placed to meet current peacebuilding needs for purposes of reforms, the peaceful reintegration of the country, economic recovery, reconstruction, and refugee return.

Currently, the Support for Peace in Syria Initiative proceeds along two interrelated lines: conflict transformation dialogue and conflict research, analysis, and documentation.

Conflict Transformation Dialogue

СÖíÊÓƵ Center's work in Syria is designed to bring stakeholders together to develop visions for negotiated reforms, and to promote informed, constructive engagement through dialogue and consultations among Syrians across multiple divides and with international representatives from the U.S., Russia, Europe, and the Middle East. Workshops and consultations organized by the Center have sought to address contentious issues, bridge communication gaps among different components of Syrian society, and develop new, innovative ideas for conflict transformation.

Issues addressed in workshops have included requirements for reconstruction, constitutional and governance options, administrative decentralization, majority/minority concerns, the role of religion in Syria, gender issues, property rights, and more. СÖíÊÓƵ Center’s results of these Syrian-led dialogues have been shared with Track 1, 2, and 3 stakeholders.

In 2019, in an attempt to contribute to a new policy debate on the Syrian conflict, СÖíÊÓƵ Center launched a research and dialogue project that aims to find a framework for conflict transformation in Syria. This work to date has focused on the leveraging of sanctions and on positive steps by the Syrian government. A key objective for the Center is to change the policy conversation around Syria so that policymakers understand the harm and limitations that sanctions and isolation are exacting and can begin to build an approach that uses sanctions as a potentially transformational, rather than punitive, tool through a process of sanctions adjustment.

The activities of the initiative are guided by the following objectives: (1) Well-informed dialogue amongst key Syria stakeholders, including the international community, the government of Syria, the opposition, and civil society, through knowledge production and strengthened relationships; and (2) International and national political momentum around actions for positive steps in Syria and incremental sanctions adjustment. The aim of the Center’s initiative is to encourage the government of Syria to agree to take positive steps and to address the humanitarian and socio-political needs of Syrians, including the return of refugees.

Conflict Mapping, Research, Analysis, and Documentation

+Read Conflict Mapping and Analysis Reports


July-September 2023
Quarterly Review of Syrian Political and Military Dynamics

Dec. 8, 2023
In the Shadows of Gaza: The Unseen Escalation in Syria and its Repercussions (PDF)

April - June2023
Quarterly Review of Syrian Political and Military Dynamics

September 2023
Unexploded Ordnance Threatens Food Security in Syria (PDF)

August 2023
After the Turkish Elections, Now What for Syria? (PDF)

January - March 2023
Quarterly Review of Syrian Political and Military Dynamics


October - December 2022
The Quarterly Review on Syrian Political and Military Dynamics

July - September 2022
The Quarterly Review on Syrian Political and Military Dynamics

April - June 2022
The Quarterly Review on Syria Military and Security Dynamics

March 2022
A Call for Action: Data on Unexploded Ordnance in Syria and Its Implications

March 2022
The State of the Syrian National Army: Shifting Networks of the Turkish-backed Armed Opposition in Syria’s Northwest

January - March 2022
The Quarterly Review on Syria Military and Security Dynamics


October–December 2021
Quarterly Conflict Summary

November 2021
Monthly Conflict Summary

October 2021
Monthly Conflict Summary

July–September 2021
Quarterly Conflict Summary

August 2021
Monthly Conflict Summary
 | PDF

July 19-25, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary
 | PDF

July 12-18, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 5-11, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

April–June 2021
Quarterly Conflict Summary

June 21-27, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 14-20, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 7-13, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 31-June 6, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 24-30, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary
 | PDF

May 17-23, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary
 | PDF

May 10-16, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 3-9, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 26-May 2, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 19-25, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 12-18, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 5-11, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

January–March 2021
Quarterly Conflict Summary

March 22-28, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 15-21, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 8-14, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 1-7, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 22-28, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 15-21, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 8-14, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 1-7, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 25-31, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 18-24, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 11-17, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 4-10, 2021
Weekly Conflict Summary


Dec. 14, 2020-Jan. 3, 2021

Dec. 7-13, 2020

Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2020

Nov. 23-29, 2020

Nov. 16-22, 2020

Nov. 13, 2020
Explosive Weapons Use in Syria, Report 4 |

Nov. 9-15, 2020

Nov. 2-8, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020

Oct. 26-Nov.1 , 2020

Oct. 19-25, 2020

Oct. 12-18, 2020

Oct. 5-11, 2020

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Sept. 21-27, 2020

Sept. 14-20, 2020

Sept. 18, 2020

Sept. 7-13, 2020

Aug. 31-Sept. 6, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 24-30, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 31, 2020
Explosive Munitions Contamination in Northwest Syria, Report 3 |

Aug. 17-23, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 10-16, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 3-9, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 27-Aug. 2, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 20-26, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 13-19, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 6-12, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 29-July 5, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 22-28, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 15-21, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 8-14, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 1-7, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 25-31, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 18-24, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 11-17, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 15, 2020
The Armed Opposition in Northwest Syria

May 13, 2020
Analyzing Shifts in Territorial Control within Syria Offers Glimpse of Future Challenges

May 4-10, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 27-May 3, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 20-26, 2020>
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 13-19, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 6-12, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 30 - April 5, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 23-29, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 16-22, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 9-15, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 2-8, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 24-March 1, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 17-23, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 10-16, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 3-9, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 20-26, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 13-19, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 17, 2020
Explosive Munitions Contamination in Damascus City and Rural Damascus, Report 2 |

Jan. 6-12, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 30, 2019-Jan. 5, 2020
Weekly Conflict Summary


Nov. 25-Dec. 8, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 11-24, 2019
Two-week Conflict Summary

Nov. 19, 2019
Explosive Munitions Contamination in Southern Syria, Report 1 |

Nov. 4-10, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 21-27, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 14-20, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 7-13, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

September 2018-August 2019
Special Report: Internal Conflict in Northwest Syria

Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 23-29, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 16-22, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 9-15, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 2-8, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 19-25, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 29, 2019
Update on Conflict in Southern Syria: August 2018 to July 2019

Aug. 12-18, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 5-11, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 29-Aug. 4, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 22-28, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 15-21, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 8-14, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 1-7, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 24-30, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 17- 23, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 10-16, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 3-9, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 27-June 2, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 20 - 26, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 13-19, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 6-12, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 29-May 5, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 22-28, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 15-21, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 8-14, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 1-7, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 25-31, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 18-24, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 11-17, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 15, 2019
A Review of ISIS in Syria: Oct. 2016 to Jan. 2019

March 4-10, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 25-March 3, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 18-24, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 11-17, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 4-10, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 21-27, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 14-20, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 7-13, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary


Dec. 31, 2018-Jan. 6, 2019
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 10-16, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 24-Dec. 9, 2018
Conflict Summary

Nov. 16, 2018
Post-Idleb Agreement Conflict Trends

June 1-July 10, 2018
Syria Conflict Update

April 25-May 30, 2018
Syria Conflict Update

April 19-25, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 12-18, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 29-April 4, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 22-28, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 15-21, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 1-7, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 22-28, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 15-21, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 8-14, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 1 -7, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 25-31, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 18-24, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 11-17, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary


Dec. 21, 2017-Jan. 10, 2018
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 14-20, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 7-13, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 23-29, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 16-22, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 9-15, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 14, 2017
Status Report on Yarmouk Camp

Nov. 2-8, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 7, 2017
Relations between Hai’yat Tahrir al-Sham and Nour al-Din al-Zinki in 2017

Oct. 26 – Nov. 1, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 19-25, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 12-18, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 5-11, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 21-27, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 14-20, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 7-13, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 31-Sept. 6, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 1, 2017
Nationwide Conflict Update

July 20-26, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 13-19, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 6-12, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 29-July 5, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 22-28, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 15-21, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 8-14, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 1-7, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 25-31, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 18-24, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 11-17, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 5-10, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 27-May 3, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 20-26, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 13-19, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 6-12, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 30-April 5, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 23-29, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 15-22, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 9-15, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

March 2-8, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 27, 2017
Foreign Volunteers for the Syrian Kurdish Forces

Feb. 23-March 1, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 16-22, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 9-15, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Feb. 2-8, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Jan. 19-25, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary


Dec. 29, 2016-Jan. 4, 2017
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 8-14, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Dec. 1-7, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 30, 2016
Syria: Aleppo and Beyond

Nov. 10-16, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Nov. 3-9, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 20-26, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 13-19, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Oct. 6-12, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 28, 2016
Grad Missile Sightings

Sept. 22-28, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 15-21, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 8-14, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Sept. 1-7, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 25-31, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 18-24, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 11-17, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

Aug. 4-10, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 28-Aug. 3, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 21-27, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 14-21, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

July 7-13, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 30-July 6, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 23-29, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 16-22, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 9-15, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

June 2-8, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 26-June 1, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 19-25, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 12-18, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

May 5-11, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 28-May 4, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 20-27, 2016
Weekly Conflict Summary

April 21, 2016
The Cessation of Hostilities

Jan. 29, 2016
Russian Airstrikes Update

Through the analysis of open-source information related to the Syrian conflict and consultations with stakeholders on the ground, the Center has documented and mapped over 200,000 conflict events in Syria, as well as the changing relations between thousands of armed groups and their areas of control, and front-line changes throughout the conflict. Together, this information has allowed the Center to provide mediators and humanitarian responders with up-to-date, detailed analysis of developments throughout Syria.

More than 450 humanitarians, diplomats, partners, and other subscribers receive the Center’s weekly conflict incident reports, along with quarterly, deep-dive analysis. European special envoys for Syria have encouraged the Center to continue and deepen its analysis of potential and alternative conflict-resolution avenues as the Center brings a unique perspective from more than a decade of engagement in Syria.

To request access to data on areas of control, or general information, please email conflictmapping@cartercenter.org. You can subscribe to weekly updates by clicking here.

Carter Center Syria Op-Eds, Articles, and Publications

Since the onset of the uprising in March 2011, and the subsequent devolution into a catastrophic conflict, the Center has expanded its efforts to support a political solution in Syria.


July 2023 | Effectiveness of Humanitarian Exceptions to Sanctions: Lessons from the Syria Earthquake (PDF) | Arabic

March 2022 | A Call for Action: Data on Unexploded Ordnance in Syria and Its Implications (PDF) | 

November 2021 | Russia, the European Union, and the Gulf Cooperation Council in Syria: from Punishment to 'Infitah'? (PDF)

October 2021 | Sanctions Relaxation and Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Past Sanctions Regimes (PDF) | تخفيف العقوبات وحل النزاعات: دروس من أنظمة عقوبات سابقة

May 2021 | An Avoidable Crisis: The July 2021 Expiration of Syria’s Cross-Border Humanitarian Aid Mechanism and Potential Solutions

January 2021 | A Path to Conflict Transformation in Syria | الطريق نحو تحويل النزاع في سوريا: إطار عمل لمقاربةٍ مرحلية

December 2020 | The Unintended Consequences of U.S. and European Unilateral Measures on Syria’s Economy and Its Small and Medium Enterprises | العواقب غير المنتظرة للتدابير الأحادية الجانب المفروضة على الاقتصاد السوري وشركاته الصغيرة والمتوسطة

November 2020 |  |

October 2020 | Navigating Humanitarian Exceptions to Sanctions Against Syria | التعامل مع الإستثناءت الانسانية للعقوبات المفروضة على سوريا:التحديات والتوصيات

September 2020 | U.S. and European Sanctions on Syria | العقوبات الأميركية والأوروبية على سوريا

August 2020 | Explosive Weapons Use in Syria, Report 3 |

May 2020 | The Armed Opposition in Northwest Syria

May 2020 | Analyzing Shifts in Territorial Control within Syria Offers Glimpse of Future Challenges

January 2020 | Explosive Munitions Contamination in Damascus City and Rural Damascus, Report 2 | 

November 2019 | Explosive Munitions Contamination in Southern Syria, Report 1 | 

+Read the Op-eds, Articles

The following Op-Eds and articles highlight the Center's work in Syria:

Sept. 21, 2021

Op-ed by George A. Lopez and Hrair Balian in Responsible Statecraft.

Jan. 20, 2021

الولايات المتحدة بحاجة إلى سياسة جديدة بشأن سوريا
Op-ed by Jeffrey Feltman and Hrair Balian in Responsible Statecraft.

May 20, 2020

Published by Responsible Statecraft

Aug. 24, 2018
Jimmy Carter: In Syria, an Ugly Peace Is Better Than More War
Published by The New York Times

March 14, 2017 

Published by Voice of America

Sept. 20, 2016
Jimmy Carter: A First Step for Syria? Stop the Killing
Published by The New York Times

April 25, 2016

Conflict Resolution Program Director Hrair Balian, speech at the World Affairs Council.

Oct. 30, 2015

Published by the International Peace Institute.

Oct. 23, 2015
Jimmy Carter: A Five-Nation Plan to End the Syrian Crisis
Jimmy Carter op-ed, published by The New York Times.

Aug. 28, 2015
Hrair Balian op-ed, published by the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center and OpenDemocracy.

March 14, 2015

Hrair Balian op-ed, published by Al Jazeera America.

April 15, 2014
Published by Forbes.

Feb. 11, 2014

Transcript: Q&A. Participant: Hrair Balian, Director, Conflict Resolution Program, СÖíÊÓƵ Center.

Dec. 22, 2013

Jimmy Carter and Robert Pastor op-ed, published by The Washington Post.

Sept. 11, 2013

Jimmy Carter op-ed, published by The Washington Post.

Aug. 30, 2013
Statement From СÖíÊÓƵ Center on the Syria Crisis
Published by Politico, Global News, and Daily Caller.

July 12, 2013
Carter Center Staff to Travel to Syria for Discussion on Political Transition
Carter Center Press Release

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