NAIROBI, KENYA...Uganda President Yoweri Museveni and Sudan President Omaral-Bashir today agreed to take steps to re-establish diplomatic relationsand to promote peace in the region.
This agreement complements the IGAD peace process in Sudan chaired by KenyaPresident Daniel arap Moi.
The two leaders signed an agreement today at the state house in Nairobifollowing discussions mediated by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter andorganized by the Conflict Resolution Program of the Atlanta-based CarterCenter. President Moi joined President Carter to witness the signing.
"President al-Bashir and President Museveni have taken an important stepto restoring diplomatic relations and encouraging peace in their countriesand in all of East Africa," said President Carter.
Among their pledges in the 11-point document, the two leaders agreed to:
renounce the use of force to resolve differences;
disband and disarm terrorist groups;
respect each country's sovereignty and territorial integrity;
cease support to any rebel groups;
return all prisoners of war to their respective nations;
locate and return abductees to their families; and
offer amnesty and reintegration assistance to all former combatants whorenounce the use of force.
The agreement calls for formation of a Joint Ministerial Committee andtechnical support teams to establish a timetable of specific steps toimplement the agreement.
СÖíÊÓƵ Center and President Carter have worked for many years to promote peace and health in Africa, with a strong interest in East Africa.President al-Bashir and President Museveni invited President Carter lastspring to facilitate their discussions on improving bilateral relationsbetween their two countries. Subsequently, the Carter Center's Conflict Resolution Programworked for several months with high-level representatives of each government to begin to define an agenda for discussions this week.
The Center Center is a nongovernmental organization that promotes peace andhealth worldwide. Its Conflict Resolution Program has been instrumental inadvancing peace processes in Bosnia, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Liberia,North Korea, and Sudan. Most recently, the Center sent a 50-person team toobserve the Dec. 3-5 national election in Mozambique.
The text of the agreement signed today is attached.
8 DECEMBER, 1999
In order to enhance relations between our two countries and to promotepeace in the region, we make the following commitments:
Each of us will respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of theother, in accordance with the charters of the United Nations and theOrganization for African Unity.
We renounce the use of force to resolve differences, and will take stepsto prevent any hostile actions against each other.
We will make every effort to disband and disarm terrorist groups and toprevent any acts of terrorism or hostile actions that might originate in our territory that might endanger the security of the other nation.
We agree not to harbor, sponsor, or give military or logistical supportto any rebel groups, opposition groups, or hostile elements from eachothers' territories.
We will join in a common effort to promote regional peace, both on ourown initiative and in full support and in no way to prejudice or interferewith IGAD's role in bringing an end to the civil war in Sudan.
We will refrain from hostile and negative propaganda campaigns againsteach other.
We will return all prisoners of war to their respective nations.
We especially condemn any abuse or injury of innocent citizens, and willmake a special effort to locate any abductees, especially children, who have been abducted in the past and return them to their families. All information about such cases will be shared with СÖíÊÓƵ Center, UNICEF, and otherinternational organizations and we will cooperate fully in the search andrescue of these victims, beginning immediately with those who can beidentified.
We will honor international laws governing refugees, NGO activities, andcross-border transportation, and facilitate the return or resettlement ofrefugees in accordance with UNHCR regulations.
We will offer amnesty and reintegration assistance to all former combatants who renounce the use of force.
If all other terms of this agreement are honored satisfactorily, we desire to reestablish normal relations between our two countries. Within a month of this date, we will open offices in both capital cities and assign junior diplomatic personnel for service. By the end of February, 2000, ambassadors will be exchanged and full diplomatic relations restored.
In order to implement this agreement, designated members of our contactgroups will act as an interim committee. As soon as practical, a jointministerial committee will be established with at least threesub-committees, to deal with political, security, and humanitarian issues.
We understand that, when requested, СÖíÊÓƵ Center will publicize thisagreement and continue to play a role in its implementation.
President, ________________________ Republic of Uganda
President, __________________________Republic of Sudan
Witnessed by
Former U.S. President, Chair, СÖíÊÓƵ Center
President, Republic of Kenya
Ali Abdulrahman al-Numeiri, State Minister of For. Affairs
Amb. Mahdi Ibrahim
Hassan Abdalwahab
Amb Omer Yousif Bireedo
Yahia Hussein Babiker
Abdel Karim Abdallah
Brig. Gen. Yassin Arabi Mohammed
Mutrif Siddiq Ali
Ruhakana Rugunda, Min. in charge of Presidency
James Wapakhabulo
Amama Mbabazi
Ali Kirunda Kivejinja
Chango Machyo
Busho Ndinyenka
Amb. Khalid Younis Kinene
Ms. Zam Zam Nagujja
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